The Wolf Game, also known as Werewolf, a classic party deduction game that combines mystery, drama, and betrayal. The Wolf Game app is to score the most Victory Points (VP) by using actions during your turn to gain territory, hunt prey, and improve your attributes.
Number of Players:
2 to 5 players can participate in each game.
Materials Needed:
Game components include:
Game Board
Region Boards
Player Boards
Moonlight Board
Reference Cards
Bonus Terrain Tiles
Bonus Action Tokens
VP Tokens
Region Scoring Tokens
Prey Tokens
Lone Wolf Tokens
Pack Wolf Meeples
Alpha Wolf Meeples
Terrain Tiles
Place the game board in the center of the playing area.
Randomly place region boards around it.
Place a lone wolf token on each hex with a wolf head icon.
Distribute prey tokens on the hexes (based on the number of players).
Orient the moonlight board to show the correct player count.
Gather region scoring tokens based on the player count.
Each player sets up their board with wolves, dens, and other components.
Place alpha and pack wolves on unoccupied hexes around the central chasm.
Players take turns clockwise.
Each turn, a player takes any combination of two actions.
Actions include:
Build dens
Upgrade den to a lair
Pay the action cost by revealing terrain tiles.
The moonlight board indicates which regions will be scored.
Victory Points:
Players earn VP through actions and territory control.
Hunt prey, dominate regions, and strategically expand your pack.
The player with the most VP wins!
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