Embark on an extraordinary journey in the Snailverse, where you control a snail from a dystopian future tasked with saving the world from eight Demon Gods. Explore vast landscapes, collect items, and forge alliances with bizarre beings as you unravel the mysteries of this unique idle RPG.
Shell-Shocked Adventures Await!
Super Snail offers a refreshing take on the idle RPG genre with its quirky characters, meme-infused dialogue, and extensive exploration. Dive deep into a world filled with humor, references, and hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered at every turn.
Navigate the Snailverse's Dystopian Wonders!
Choose your character attributes wisely to unlock quests and shape your personal adventure. Engage in dialogue with Hitmen, flirt with Partners, and discover hidden tasks to unlock new characters and delve deeper into the narrative. Explore every corner of the world, tapping on objects to uncover Easter eggs and secret events that may aid you on your quest.
Slow and Strategic: The Snail's Odyssey!
Develop your chosen character attribute to unlock quests and progress through the game. Interact with a diverse cast of characters, engage in dialogue, and explore the world to uncover hidden tasks and scenarios. Collect over 400 real-world Relics to empower your journey and unlock hidden scenarios. Remember, you were chosen by the Gods to save the world, so embrace your destiny and embark on this epic adventure!
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